As Amazon charges based upon the pay per usage, we had a requirement to compress the file before sending to the Amazon location to reduce the cost..
I tried to search for Pipeline component, Most of the pipeline component comes with the cost ( So I decided to create my own, with the help of open source .Net Library which is available at
About the component
ZipFile is a pipeline component which Archives the file in encoding stage of the send Pipeline. This is a generalized component, which can be used wherever required.
The ZipFile Name based upon the Adapter Configuration.
File Name inside the Archieve If the "OutboundTransportLocation” ( has value the file name will be extracted and it will be the same name as Zip File . Else MessageID Property will be used as file name inside Zip.
The File Extension for the File inside the zip is configurable "FileExtension"
On receiving the message, the component will
- Read the body of the message (Which is a stream) to the Zip function and the message name
- Zip the stream, Update the Name of the Zipped File and return as a memory stream.
- Process the memory stream to update the message body and return as message
Code snippet
public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
// Name of the File inside the Zip Starts Here
String MessageId ="";
String Extension = "." + _FileExtension;
MessageId = pInMsg.Context.Read("OutboundTransportLocation", "").ToString() ;
if (MessageId == "")
MessageId = pInMsg.MessageID + Extension;
//From OutboundTransportLocation
MessageId = MessageId.Remove(0, MessageId.LastIndexOf(@"/") + 1);
MessageId = MessageId.Remove(MessageId.LastIndexOf(@"."));
MessageId = MessageId + Extension;
MessageId = pInMsg.MessageID + Extension;
// Name of the File inside the Zip Ends Here
MemoryStream outmsg = new MemoryStream();
IBaseMessagePart bodyPart = pInMsg.BodyPart;
if (bodyPart != null)
ZipingTheStream(bodyPart.Data, outmsg, MessageId);
return CreateNewMessage(pContext, pInMsg, outmsg);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new System.ApplicationException(ex.Message);
/// Helper function that creates a new message and copies all parts
/// and their properties. Copies new stream to current message
/// Context
/// Orginal BTS message
/// Contains contents of message to create
public static IBaseMessage CreateNewMessage(IPipelineContext pipelineContext,
IBaseMessage message, Stream streamOut)
if (null == pipelineContext)
throw new ArgumentNullException("pipelineContext");
if (null == message)
throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
if (null == streamOut)
throw new ArgumentNullException("streamOut");
ICloneable c = (ICloneable)message;
IBaseMessage outMsg = (IBaseMessage)c.Clone();
streamOut.Position = 0;
outMsg.BodyPart.Data = streamOut;
// Clean up resources
return outMsg;
catch (Exception ex)
//EventLog.WriteEntry(ex.Source , ex.message);
throw ex;
public static void ZipingTheStream(Stream InMsgBody, Stream ZipStream, String FileName)
ZipOutputStream ZipOutStream = new ZipOutputStream(ZipStream);
ZipEntry InMsgBodyEntry = new ZipEntry(ZipEntry.CleanName(FileName));
InMsgBodyEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
InMsgBodyEntry.Size = InMsgBody.Length;
byte[] BufferTransfer = new byte[1024 * 1024];
int Filebyte;
Stream FileTobeZipped = InMsgBody;
for (; ; )
//we copy the file to the Zip stream, block after block
Filebyte = FileTobeZipped.Read(BufferTransfer, 0, 1024 * 1024);
if (Filebyte == 0) break;
ZipOutStream.Write(BufferTransfer, 0, Filebyte);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;