As part of the build I exported the port binding(xml file) through BizTalk Administration Console.
For Deployment we are using Nant deployment Framework
I need editing the port binding file. Since I have to put specify information based on the environment (Dev, Test, Stage and production) .
I normally edit the port binding file in notepad. Since my port binding file was too big. I edited the file in VS 2005
After Creating my Kit, I tried to deploy in Dev Server. My deployment failed and was giving following error:"Could not enlist send port '[Send Port Name]' Exception from HRESULT: 0xC00CE557(Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM) "
01. my binding file successfully imported, 02. when it tries to enlist the port it started throughing error
I tried directly in the Administration console manually. I got the Same error.
Since Portbinding file impoted successfully, assumed that there was issue in the port configuration When I checked the filter page of the port settings there was no filter listed yet there is a filter defined in the bindings file.
I have checked the environmental setting files and portbinding files everything seems ok. Then I realise when i tried to edit VS has poped a message as given below
I have clicked yes
VS tried to make the file looks good. By introducing (CR LF) where ever required. But it has affected the file when it was saved
When I exported the binding file it looks like this
In VS it looks Like below
Can you find any difference. The diffence (CR LF) near